Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 6 #14

When searching for "learning 2.0" under the different types of search categories, I noticed that each type of search gives you different kinds of results. In my opinion, the tags search was most specific. I think the popular blogs, searches, and videos are great for keeping up to date on what's going on in the world. I can tell Technorati is a very time consuming website because it can lead you to a million different places. I think it would be best enjoyed by someone who has a lot of time, and a good stress reliever for someone busy. Although I'm sure Technorati would cause severe Dorito syndrome, or my name for when you do something and 5 hours go by and you really feel like you didn't get much done. Kind of like when you're hungry and you eat a bag of Doritos without realizing it, and when you're done you're really not full.

Technorati is good, but time consuming.

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